“The epidemic of LGBTQ homelessness and hunger is not improving. It’s your time to make a New Year’s resolution to help end this cruelty that plagues America more than any other country in the western world.”
“The epidemic of LGBTQ homelessness and hunger is not improving. It’s your time to make a New Year’s resolution to help end this cruelty that plagues America more than any other country in the western world.”

“The epidemic of LGBTQ homelessness and hunger is not improving. It’s your time to make a New Year’s resolution to help end this cruelty that plagues America more than any other country in the western world.”

Georgia Voice
The epidemic of LGBTQ homelessness and hunger is not improving. It’s your time to make a New Year’s resolution to help end this cruelty that plagues America more than any other country in the western world.
More info @ https://buff.ly/2Q9gPc4
Post from Facebook PFLAG Johns Creek, GA – https://ift.tt/2h9VnkL
December 25, 2019 at 08:00PM